Submit a return request
To initiate a return, please follow these steps:
Log in to your account by clicking the profile icon in the store's navigation or accessing the refund policy or returns page.
- Enter your email address in the Email field and click Continue.
- Open the email sent from our store and copy the six-digit verification code provided.
- Return to the online store and enter the six-digit verification code.
Click on the order for which you wish to submit the return.
If your order includes multiple items, select the specific items you want to return.
Choose the reason for the return and include any additional notes or comments for the store.
Click on "Request return" to submit your return request.
If your return request is approved and requires shipping, you will receive an email with detailed shipping instructions and a return shipping label. After returning the product, you will receive a refund for your returned item(s).
If you have any further questions or need assistance with the return process, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.
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